Sunday, October 31, 2004
For what it's worth. Posting this on Sunday night, two days before the election.

Kerry will win by what would, in any previous election, be considered an unquestionable landslide.

There will be widespread chaos and scattered violence (at the fistfight level) at the polls.

There will be allegations of obstruction (Democrats charging Republicans, accurately), and fraud (Republicans charging Democrats, falsely but loudly and relentlessly).

The big networks will be very reluctanct to call the election for Kerry, and Republicans will try very hard to keep them from doing so by calling the legitimacy of the election into question as soon as the numbers become clear.

Bush will not give a concession speech. Ever. He will insist that Kerry, MoveOn, and ACT stole the election illegally, and he will take it to the courts. As soon as it becomes apparent that the election may be taken away from the people (again), we'll have massive protests in San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington DC (and hopefully all across the country). If it gets to the Supreme Court, we'll have a general strike. If the Supreme Court gives it to Bush...

I don't know what will happen then. But I hope it doesn't come to that. I want to live in a democracy again.
Friday, October 29, 2004

This is a new movie from the director of Akira. It opens March 18 in the States. Click here for the official site, or here for a site with some previews in Japanese.
  What Cellphones Are Good For

When we were kids, we had treasure hunts in the backyard -- our parents made clues leading from one hiding place to the next. Eventually we started making our own vastly more complicated versions. And now that we're all grown up, this happens.

Thanks to Gizmodo for the heads-up.

Thursday, October 28, 2004
So okay, occasionally I will post a link to something just for the geek inside. I will keep these posts labeled as such. This one has to do with Star Wars, and isn't interesting or clever enough in itself to merit a regular post on this blog. Only those of us who are still, in some way, George Lucas's little bitches, will give a shit about it. Hence the geek label.

Click here to see what may be the first official teaser poster for Episode III.

For the record, the Uncle Owen/Aunt Beru (charred) action figure posted below does not fall under this same category, because it's actually clever and cool in its own right.

  Clone Troopers

Originally uploaded by Lorrimer.

Pretty funny. This is from an actual Bush campaign ad. The crowd is digitally enhanced. It's up on the Bush campaign website.

Thanks to The Raw Story and Daily Kos.
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
I took this photo last month in Belize, at the entrance to the Coxscomb Basin Jaguar Preserve.

Originally uploaded by Lorrimer.
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
  What the internet is actually good for
I love this sort of thing. A wiki -- if you're not already familiar -- is a website with content that can be added to and changed by people viewing the website. Wikipedia, for example, is an online encyclopedia with entries constantly being added and updated by whoever wants to share a bit of knowledge. And studies have shown that the content is accurate; enough people are following the changes that it keeps itself honest.

So wikinews is an idea whose time has come. This has the potential to fulfill the promise of the internet as a truly open and unrestricted source of information for humanity. Brilliance.
Monday, October 25, 2004
  Workout Video

Workout Video
Originally uploaded by Lorrimer.

This is a perfect example of how I can get diverted. I was searching for images for an actual project I'm working on, and somehow stumbled across a series of photos from "the first 13-minute nonstrenuous workout for Hasidic men so they can exercise in their black suits."

Note: I don't mean to make fun of anyone. I'm just fascinated by the apparent culture clash inherent to this whole idea.


Sunday, October 24, 2004
  Owen Lars & Aunt Beru (Charred)

Uncle Owen - Aunt Beru - Special Edition
Originally uploaded by Lorrimer.

I didn't create this. I just want to hug whoever did.
  welcome to my new blog
When I'm working on something I actually care about, and when that work involves my computer, and when my computer is connected to the internet, I often find myself diverted by interesting, clever or ridiculous things. Sometimes being diverted frees up my brain to find a new approach to what I'm actually working on. Sometimes the diversions insinuate themselves into my project. And sometimes I just waste a lot of time.

This blog will be a clearinghouse for these diversions. I'll try to post something interesting, clever or ridiculous at least once a day. Maybe more. We'll see how it goes.

I seem to have been diverted.

Fiat Lux
The Liberal Slut

This blog is for things that have nothing to do with my actual work. Usually it's strange, interesting, or clever things I come across on the internet. Sometimes I'll post photos I've taken. I might occasionally post an idea, thought, or opinion (like, for example, that I think you should vote for Kerry). I'll try to post at least once a day. Enjoy.

October 2004 / November 2004 / December 2004 / February 2005 / March 2005 /

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Creative Commons License
The original content on this site -- photos I've taken and words I've written -- is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Fuck yeah!