Thursday, October 28, 2004
  Clone Troopers

Originally uploaded by Lorrimer.

Pretty funny. This is from an actual Bush campaign ad. The crowd is digitally enhanced. It's up on the Bush campaign website.

Thanks to The Raw Story and Daily Kos.
jesus. those people are insane. 5 more days... argh! freaking... out...

hey, you should enable access to your profile so that people can view your blog. right now, if i click "lorrimer" on your comments on my site, it says that the user has not enabled access.

you should do so, and then you'll get more traffic :)
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The Liberal Slut

This blog is for things that have nothing to do with my actual work. Usually it's strange, interesting, or clever things I come across on the internet. Sometimes I'll post photos I've taken. I might occasionally post an idea, thought, or opinion (like, for example, that I think you should vote for Kerry). I'll try to post at least once a day. Enjoy.

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