Sunday, October 31, 2004
For what it's worth. Posting this on Sunday night, two days before the election.

Kerry will win by what would, in any previous election, be considered an unquestionable landslide.

There will be widespread chaos and scattered violence (at the fistfight level) at the polls.

There will be allegations of obstruction (Democrats charging Republicans, accurately), and fraud (Republicans charging Democrats, falsely but loudly and relentlessly).

The big networks will be very reluctanct to call the election for Kerry, and Republicans will try very hard to keep them from doing so by calling the legitimacy of the election into question as soon as the numbers become clear.

Bush will not give a concession speech. Ever. He will insist that Kerry, MoveOn, and ACT stole the election illegally, and he will take it to the courts. As soon as it becomes apparent that the election may be taken away from the people (again), we'll have massive protests in San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington DC (and hopefully all across the country). If it gets to the Supreme Court, we'll have a general strike. If the Supreme Court gives it to Bush...

I don't know what will happen then. But I hope it doesn't come to that. I want to live in a democracy again.
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