Thursday, November 04, 2004

Holy shit, I just watched the first teaser trailer for Star Wars Episode III. Holy shit.

There's a lot to be excited about and a lot to be really fucking wary of.

I'll update this after I watch it some more and think about it. Right now, it's only available if you're a member or StarWars.com or possibly AOL, or if, like me, you can get a torrent file. But I'm sure it will be posted somewhere very soon. It's also supposed to be in front of The Incredibles tomorrow.

Updated: I have not been reading the big spoilers on theforce.net or anywhere else; I'm not doing the total blackout, but I'm sticking just to what Lucas decides to reveal. So this includes freeze-framing the trailers, but not looking at leaked images and plot points.

Updated again: here's the trailer.

Updated one more time: As of now (11:17 PM Thursday), that link for the trailer only has the crappy Windows Media Player version from Access Hollywood. Punks! By tomorrow you should be able to find the rockin' Quicktime version. Or you can get it on the torrent right now.

SPOILERS AHEAD: (highlight to read)

Briefly: Very nice call to use the Ep IV Kenobi voice-over. Why do Anakin's eyes change color like Darth Maul? Were Vader's eyes like that in ROTJ? Are Wookies the new Ewoks?


Vader says "Yes, Master" in what sounds like James Earl Jones' voice, but he articulates the R sound at the end of "Master" in a way that sounds much less British than I remember Vader from the original trilogy. Did Vader get more British-sounding after 30 years of hanging out with Moff Tarkin? Actually, now that I think about it, Moff Tarkin had the same effect on Princess Leia, too.

Freeze-framing on the space battle sequences reveals some interesting shit -- look at what style spaceships are over which planets. And the designs of the ships themselves is interesting too.

All in all, I'm expecting a slight step up from Episode II, which was pretty bad but significantly better than Ep I. If the dialogue doesn't get any better, we're fucked. But the ships and aliens look pretty cool.

Okay. I might post more a little later. Or not.
wow josh, that is so fucking cool! i love the obi-wan foreshadowing. and what IS going on with anakin's eyes?

yay, this is the first thing to make me happy since about 11 pm tuesday night. thank you.
Spoilers below (duh. You must have been expecting spoilers if you got this far). I am not a veteran blogger, so I can't change the text color. Sorry. Once again, SPOILERS BELOW!!! I'm doing the same strategy as Josh, so I only talk about scenes from the trailer, but still, SPOILERS BELOW!

That being said...

Well well well, what have we here? I have to go on record saying that I already had good feelings about this movie, which of course puts me in the position of having my hopes up, which is a dangerous position to be in when George Lucas is involved. Still, you can’t fight your natural impulses, so I’m just going to go ahead and let myself get excited over this one. Josh, I'm more opomistic than you. It will be the end of me.

But the trailer; holy shit! It’s so cool that they used all the old footage and the Alec Guiness voice track. I think the focus is where it should be. Let me just do a list of shit that I think rocks: Anakin with his evil eye, Sidious swinging a lightsaber like a baseball bat, a little yellow and grey tie fighter with an R2 unit, every scene of Padme has her looking pretty distraught, wookies (that’s rigt, I think the wookies look like they could be pretty cool. After all, they aren’t Ewoks), Yoda’s got his lightsaber out again, assault on a star destroyer, brutal fight between Ani and Obi(Anakin grabbing Obi by the neck), some six-winged x-wing thingy. Oh, and let’s not forget James Earl Jones. (Shit. He’s one bad mother—shut yo’ mouth). This has to be the best of the three. The other two didn’t have Vader. What’s Star Wars without Vader?


“Lord Vader. Yes master. Rise”
ep III trailer.

kenobi voice over gave me goddamn shivers. also did the frame by frame and the design on the ships, what ships are where, etc, is fucking kickin booty ass.

extremely worried about the wookies, but happy to be able to see the wookie homeland that i can't spell.

okay, i must tell you all this, for what it's worth. my friend greg works in advertisin her in NY and he just got done writing and editing some ads for Sports Center that feature C3PO, R2D2, Chewbacca, Darth Vader, and a stormtrooper. yes, he's a luck fucker. he got to do the robot with 3PO.

the whole thing was done out in connecticut, and he spent a week there in a hotel room.

one evening he went out to dinner with the Lucasfilm rep. and they talked. and talked.

greg asked him what he thought of ep i and ii and the guy tried to talk them up, but greg said that it was obvious he didn't like them. he'd read the script and seen a rough edit of ep iii, though, and, well.

he got greg's hopes up. greg's as geeky as any of us ( he has the star wars visual dictionary on his coffee table) the guy told him that this movie will make the first two movies better. not better in the sense of quality, but in terms of making sense of a lot of stuff, and connectiing ep i - iii with ep iv.

when greg told me this i made him shut the fuck up because then i started to feel hope in my heart and i don't want that.

greg took it with a HUGE grain of salt, and we should too, but i woudl be remiss in my geekly duties if i didn't tell you.


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